for Oakland City Council District 2
I'm a former Biden-Harris official that launched a $4 billion infrastructure program that's already bringing jobs to Oakland. I reformed Massachusetts' homeless response system to house people faster, launched free universal Pre-K in New York City, and helped redesign Boston city government to improve services while reducing costs.
An Affordable, Walkable City
The cost of housing and rent is a primary cause of the homelessness crisis as well as the closure of our small businesses. To lower these costs, I will support the construction of more housing and commercial real estate for all income levels, with a special emphasis on affordable and workforce housing in all parts of Oakland with an inclusionary zoning policy. I will upzone density in the city to build affordable apartments and other housing, and commercial real estate in all of Oakland's neighborhoods especially alongside major bus lines and BART stations. Doing so is key to not only housing affordability, but for making our city a better place to get around without cars - making it easier to walk, bike, and take public transit. Given the long waiting lists to get into Oakland's existing public housing programs, I will seek partnerships between the Oakland Housing Authority and developers to build new public housing, drawing from the effective innovations developed in Montgomery County, Maryland. Furthermore, I will work to fix our potholes, repair our sidewalks, slow down speeding with speed cameras and traffic calming, install bus and bike lanes, and transform underused streets into vibrant neighborhood plazas.